Do Horses Sleep With Their Eyes Open?

The other night, I heard a loud bang outside on my homestead, so I went out to investigate. I couldn’t see anything when I got out there, and everything was quiet, so I decided it must have been nothing. Cautious as ever, though, I decided to go into my horse’s stable to check on them …

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Can Horses Get Depressed?

Recently, one of our horses died. We knew it was coming as she was getting quite old, but it was still devastating nonetheless. The sadder thing is that she was part of a bonded pair that had been doing everything together basically their whole lives. It made it even harder on our other horse, and …

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What Does Post Time Mean In Horse Racing?

Horse racing is an age-old tradition, and so inevitably you end up with a lot of confusing jargon and terminology. It can be really difficult to keep up with it all when you’re first getting started, and I know I certainly struggled at first. While out at the races with a friend the other day …

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Can Horses Get Fat?

Can Horses Get Fat? (Revealed!)

My son and I were out at a horse show the other day, and there were all kinds of shapes and sizes and colors of different horses. Skinny horses, bulky horses, tall horses, short horses. Every type of horse you could imagine. Faced with all this multitude of different types of horse, my son suddenly …

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What Is A Hinny?

When my son learned about where mules came from, he was suddenly really interested in all sorts of different crossbreeds. He would ask endless questions about what animals could make what crossbreed. We were out at a local petting zoo the other day, when someone mentioned that they had an animal that even I had …

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