
Horse Answer is a horse website founded in 2021.

The mission of Horse Answer is to provide high-quality, factually accurate, up-to-date information related to horses.

This is to make the readers life easier.


How we make our money

Any information on the website is available to you at no cost, because we make money from displaying advertising and from affiliate links.

By displaying adverts from advertisers this enables us to keep the website running.

If we promote a product or service, a company may pay us a referral commission.

This does not, however, affect the price you pay.

We only work with companies and organizations that we trust and will only recommend products and services we truly believe in.


Privacy And Security

Here at Horse Answer, we take your privacy very seriously.

You can read our privacy policy for more information.

Our privacy statement and security statement can be found in our terms and conditions.


Who runs Horse Answer?

PatHorse Answer was set up by Pat.

Pat is an avid horse lover who has kept horses for many years.

She loves going riding at the weekend and also watching horses on TV.

When she was a child, Pat wanted to be a horse.