Welcome to Horse Answer!
I’m Pat and I’ve been working with horses for most of my life!
Inside this website you will find lots of helpful content related to horses!

25 Signs A Horse Likes You
As much as we might like to be able to, we can’t communicate verbally with…
Can Horses And Sheep Graze Together? (Revealed!)
I recently agreed to look after a couple of my friend’s sheep while he was…
Why Do Horses Buck? (Explained!)
My friend has a horse he loves dearly. The horse is healthy. It lives in…
Read more articles about horse behavior by clicking here
Do Horses Eat Horseradish? (Find Out!)
No, horses do not eat horse radish. The plant from which the sauce is derived…
Can Horses Eat Stinging Nettles?
I was out tending the horses the other day when I noticed that once again,…
Can Horses Eat Quinoa?
My family have been very much on a ‘superfoods’ binge recently. I’m always up for…
Read more articles about horse diet by clicking here
Are Horse Bits Cruel? (Or Are They OK?)
As a young person taking riding lessons for the first time, I clearly recall my…
What Is Crazy Horse Leather?
My family and I were out at a rodeo the other day, and it was…
Do Saddles Hurt Horses?
Horses have been carrying us around and helping us with jobs for thousands of years,…