What Is Western Dressage?

What Is Western Dressage? (Find Out!)

Dressage has become a recent interest of mine. I’ve always loved going to the races and to show jumping events, but I’ve only in the last few months become interested in dressage. I’ve been steadily growing my interest in dressage and getting to grips with all the rules, how the scoring works, and all that …

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How Is Dressage Scored?

I recently went to my first ever dressage show, and while I had a really enjoyable time, I have to say, I left feeling more than a little confused. The horses were a spectacle to watch, and it was clear to see the sheer amount of training and discipline that goes into this sort of …

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What Is Dressage?

What Is Dressage? (Explained!)

I’ve always been a fan of horse racing. Since I was a little boy, I’ve always loved seeing the horses, witnessing the exciting races, and just generally having a great day out. I’ve always had such a one-track mind, though, that I never expanded my interest into the wider world of horse shows. Recently, I …

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