How many eyes does a horse have?

Do Horses Have Eyebrows?

Eyebrows are very useful parts of our body, and they play a major role in helping to keep things out of our eyes and protect them from sweat and dust. Not many animals have eyebrows, however, even though a lot of animals have hair on their faces. But what about horses? They have hair on …

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Are Horses Smarter Than Cows?

Are Horses Smarter Than Cows? (Answered!)

My son is at the stage in his life where he’s always asking questions about which animals are smarter, which are the strongest, which are the fastest—as boys his age often do. He’s always been very fond of the horses we have and while we were both out watching them the other day, we heard …

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Can Horse Riding Help You Lose Weight?

The other day, my friend sent me a text message that read: “Can you lose weight horse riding? My mother is insisting you can’t, but I don’t see why you wouldn’t.” While I knew the most basic answer immediately, and quickly set her mother straight, I decided the topic of horseback riding and how it …

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Can Horses Climb Stairs?

Can Horses Climb Stairs? (Answered!)

I was walking down a nature trail with my son the other day when we passed some people on horseback. The path was quite narrow so we got out of the way and let them past. When we got further down the trail, though, we hit a set of stone steps in the direction the …

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Are Horses Color Blind?

Are Horses Color Blind? (Answered!)

While tending to my horses with my son the other day, the horse was being a bit agitated for some reason and my son wondered if it was because I was wearing such a bright red jumper. I thought he might have been right at first and so I took it off and put it …

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