What Sound Does A Horse Make?

What Sound Does A Horse Make? (Find Out!)

The other day while out walking with my dog, we passed a big horse field where they were all shouting and yelling and being very vocal to each other. They were making a huge array of noises and sounds that I’d never heard a horse make before, and never realised they had such a wide …

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What Is A Female Horse Called?

I was at a petting zoo with my family the other day and there were all sorts of animals there, but this was certainly an equine petting zoo over all. They had so many horses, ponies, donkeys, you name it, they had ten of them! At one point during the day, my son came up …

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What Is A Male Horse Called?

A male horse can have a few different names depending on the stage of its life its in, as well as some other factors. I knew that there were a lot of different terms to describe horses of all sexes and ages, so I wasn’t exactly sure what each of the different names meant. I …

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What Is A Baby Horse Called?

I was having a discussion with some friends the other day about the names of baby animals, and one that came around that we couldn’t agree on was horse. My friend was insisting a baby horse was called a pony, when I knew that was just a smaller horse. I couldn’t get through to him, …

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How Many Legs Does A Horse Have?

I was out in the field tending to my horses with my kids the other day, and they’re all at that stage where they just constantly question everything and are infinitely curious about everything. That day, they started asking all sorts of questions about the horses, and one that seemed nonsensical at first was actually …

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