What Is Horse Serum?

What Is Horse Serum? (Answered!)

I was watching a documentary about farming and breeding practices for horses the other day, and one thing I kept hearing them mention was horse serum. It seemed like a strange and vague term to me, and unfortunately a lot of the science went right over my head. I wasn’t sure what any of it …

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Are Horses Used To Make Glue?

Are Horses Used To Make Glue? (Revealed!)

I was watching an old movie the other day, and there was a scene in which a big old horse was taken away to be made into glue. I’d heard of this practice before, and heard many different versions of how it is achieved. I wasn’t sure how it exactly worked, whether it was ever …

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Are Horses Used For Dog Food?

Are Horses Used For Dog Food? (Answered!)

There has been a lot of conversations in the news in recent years about the use of horse meat in consumer products. We keep hearing the same story, of a major manufacturer “discovering” that they there is quantities of horse meat present in their products. We’ve talked a lot about human food, so what about …

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Do Horses Need Passports?

My friend and I were travelling outside of the country for a horse event recently, and though we weren’t bringing any equine passengers along with us, we did get talking about how these horses are able to travel across borders. Many animals and even plants often need their own passports in order to be able …

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Do Horses Need Shelter?

Recently, my son and I drove past a field late at night when it was quite cold, and we noticed there was a horse sleeping in the middle of the field. We’ve always had horses ourselves, and I’ve always stressed the importance of getting them indoors at night. And yet now, we could see a …

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