What Is A Horse Clinic?

My friend and I were recently at the stable, cleaning my horse’s stall, when we overheard some other riders talking about their weekend plans.

They were all excited about attending a Horse Clinic.

Though I had attended a few myself, my friend who was a beginning rider had no idea what they were talking about.

They were chattering excitedly about what all they anticipated to learn, what they were going to wear, how they would present their horses, and what they were bringing.

My friend’s curiosity was piqued considerably.

She asked me, “What in the world is a Horse Clinic?”

A Horse Clinic is an event taught by a professional rider to educate about horsemanship. Participants and spectators often travel far to be immersed in the knowledge that spans beyond lessons, since the information is taught by an expert clinician. Clinics can vary in topic, but most will cover general horsemanship, which includes groundwork, riding skills, and improving a horse’s discipline.

Clinics can be offered on something as specific as dressage, jumping, or trick training.

Some clinics are taught over a PA system, implementing a more one-on-one lesson style, while others may be instructed with all 10-20 riders and horses in the arena.

They will typically last anywhere from 1  to 3 days.

It’s uncommon to see a Horse Clinic last longer than this because it can be very expensive to travel with and lodge your horse.

Horse Clinics differ from private lessons because there are many more people involved- it is not just you, your horse, and your instructor present.

You’ll interact with your horse, the clinician, other riders and their horses, and spectators who have paid to watch the event.

It can be a great opportunity for you and your horse to socialize; make connections and improve your own relationship.


What are the Benefits of Taking a Horse Clinic?

There are many benefits to taking a Horse Clinic.

Whether you are participating or spectating, you’ll have a direct line to the counsel of a professional.

While it might be scary at first, the best thing you can do for your ride is to get the constructive criticism of someone who is a master of their craft.

Being open to hearing what you can improve upon is a necessity to enter a Horse Clinic.

You’ll be able to perfect whatever skill you’re working on, with the help of a trusted expert who’s being paid to ensure success.

You’ll also get to hear the ideas and experiences of other riders.

A group setting is a great place to learn since we all bring something different to the table.

Socialization is a priceless benefit of attending a Horse Clinic.

It’s a great opportunity for you and your horse to become closer as you navigate a setting with so many other horses and riders.

It’s pretty much guaranteed that your bond will deepen through the experience.


How Much Does a Horse Clinic Cost?

The average cost of a Horse Clinic can be anywhere from $150-$800, depending on where it is, who the clinician is, and how many days it runs.

This does not include the cost of travel and lodging; just the entrance fee.

Though expensive, a clinic can be economical compared to private lessons, which usually go for about $55/hour.

You’ll learn so much more in a group setting taught by a pro.

One way to save and still get to attend is by purchasing an auditor ticket.


What is an Auditor at a Horse Clinic?

An auditor is someone who pays to watch the event.

They still have access to all the teachings, just without actually participating in the ring with their horse.

Auditing a clinic is a fantastic way to soak up knowledge and keep your wallet full!

An audit/spectator ticket is usually $40 or less up-front, and could save you hundreds in lodging and transportation expenses.


How do I prepare for a Horse Clinic?

First off, you need to make sure you select the right clinic for you.

Though you may be attracted to a clinic taught by a hero of yours, perhaps the subject matter isn’t what you and horse need.

Find out all the details before committing to the clinic.

Research the clinician.

What skills are being taught?

What areas are you looking to improve upon?

At what level is your horse?

Will they thrive in a larger group setting or do they need to start in something more intimate?

Once you’re locked in to the event, talk with the coordinators to find out how you can be fully prepared.

Each event is different, so it’s important to ask exactly what you’ll need to participate.

Traveling with your horse can be chaotic, so it’s a good idea to make a packing list ahead of time.

There’s nothing worse than arriving at a far-away clinic to realize you left an essential item at home.

Other things to be sure of are dress code and having clean tack and equipment.

You should also practice with your horse before you go.

It’s advised to not train too hard beforehand, because after all, you are attending to learn.

Being prepared is the best way to get everything you can out of your clinic.


What do you Wear to a Horse Clinic?

Your dress is a sign of respect for the clinician, so it’s vital to find out just what you’re supposed to wear.

Though it can vary, a good rule is to dress as if you’re going to a show, but tamper it down a notch.

A collared polo is usually accepted.

Make sure your dress fits well and is clean and safe.


Horse Clinics are an awesome way to learn from the best while enjoying yourself and connecting with others, making memories with your horse that will last for years to come.

After hearing all the details about Horse Clinics, my friend started researching the closest ones to us right away!

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