Can Horses Eat Yarrow?

Plants are beautiful to look at and very often play a big part when creating a pasture for your horses and other livestock to graze in.

Many plants have different characteristics and benefits, and it can sometimes be difficult to determine which ones you should include in your pasture.

One such plant is the yarrow.

While looking up different plants, I came across this particular one and it got me curious whether horses would be able to eat them safely.

Well, I did some research and am excited to share it with you.

Today we will be answering the question “can horses eat yarrow?”

The answer to this question is yes, horses are able to eat yarrow. Yarrow is used for many different reasons such as stopping bleeding and reducing bruising and is overall a very versatile pant. It does, however, contain some compounds that can be toxic to horses if consumed in too large a quantity.

In this article, we will be exploring this topic in more depth and will answer questions such as is yarrow harmful to horses, what are the nutritional values of yarrow for horses, and can horses eat yarrow flowers?

Without wasting any more time let’s dive deeper into the topic of can horses eat yarrow.

Let’s get into it!


Is yarrow harmful to horses?

The answer to this question is both yes and no.

Consumed in moderation, yarrow is perfectly safe for horses to eat and even has many benefits for them.

If consumed in excess, however, yarrow has the potential to be poisonous to horses.

This is because the yarrow plant produces some toxic compounds that can have a detrimental effect on your horse’s health if they eat too much of it and can result in yarrow poisoning.

Yarrow poisoning

As mentioned, yarrow poisoning occurs when horses consume too much yarrow and ingest a great deal of the toxic compounds it produces.

Some of the effects of yarrow poisoning include photosensitivity (sensitivity to sunlight), mouth ulcers, and upset stomach among others.

If your horse develops yarrow poisoning, get it out of the sun immediately to avoid skin damage and consult your vet as soon as possible.

Your vet will recommend the best plan and medication moving forward and, the earlier you are able to spot the signs of yarrow poisoning and get your horse to the vet, the more effective the treatment will be.

When including yarrow in your pasture try to limit the amount that you plant so that you can better control the amount of yarrow present in the pasture.

Also monitor the amount of yarrow that your horse is consuming as this will allow you to prevent them from eating too much of it.


Benefits of yarrow for horses

Yarrow does have many benefits if consumed in moderation.

These include relieving the horse’s anxiety, working to stop bleeding, and being good for general first aid, and can help to reduce sweating as well as treat diarrhea.

The yarrow plant is a healing herb and including it in your pasture gives many mental and physical health benefits for your horses.

There are also many useful vitamins and nutrients that your horse can benefit from by eating yarrow but more on that later!


What nutritional value does yarrow have for horses?

Yarrow is not the most nutrient-dense plant that you can plant in your horse’s pasture, but it does have a good deal of vitamins and minerals that your horse can benefit from.

Yarrow contains vitamins vitamin A and C but also includes magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A can be very beneficial to horses.

It is a fat-soluble vitamin and positively impacts your horse’s vision, as well as improving its immune system and organs such as kidneys and lungs.


Vitamin C

Vitamin is a water-soluble vitamin and is found in many fruits and vegetables.

It is very useful to horses for the growth, repair, and development of tissues in the body.

It also aids in the absorption of iron and helps to boost immunity against illness.



Magnesium is an extremely important mineral that is found in the sea, plants, and the earth.

It is involved in hundreds of reactions in the body and works to improve your horse’s energy levels, increase muscle movement, and lower blood pressure.



Potassium’s main purpose is the regulation of fluid balance in the body.

It is beneficial to horses as it helps to protect against the loss of muscle mass as well as lowering blood pressure and improving bone density.



Phosphorus is an essential mineral, and it is extremely important to consume foods that contain it.

When it comes to horses, phosphorus is important for the filtering of waste and the repairing of cells and tissue.

It is important for the health and strength of your horse’s bones and works to improve energy levels.



Zinc is a very important nutrient that is involved in numerous processes throughout the body and is found naturally in various plants and animal foods.

Zinc helps boost your horse’s immune function, helps with the healing of wounds, and is important for both the growth and development of the body.

Zinc is, therefore, an essential mineral to include in your horse’s diet.


Can horses eat yarrow flowers?

The yarrow plant is a perennial herb as well as being a flowered plant.

The flowers on this herb can come in many different colors ranging from white to pink and even orange.

It is a versatile plant with many benefits that’s also beautiful to look at!

But can horses eat these flowers?

The answer to this question is yes, horses can definitely eat the flowers of the yarrow plant.

Every part of the plant is edible and safe for your horse to eat.

As mentioned before, however, it does produce compounds that can be toxic for your horse if it consumes too much so moderation is very important when it comes to your horses and this versatile herb.


In conclusion, yes, horses can eat yarrow, but it should be done in moderation.

Yarrow produces a compound that can be toxic to horses if consumed in excess and this can lead to yarrow poisoning.

If consumed in moderation, however, there are many benefits that can be derived from yarrow such as stopping bleeding and helping with anxiety.

There are also many vitamins and nutrients that your horse can benefit from.

In the end, when deciding what plants to include in your pasture, yarrow is an excellent option to include as it is a herbal plant with many healing benefits that your horse can benefit from.

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