Can Horses Eat Watermelon? (Find Out!)

The answer to this question is yes, horses are able to eat watermelons. Watermelons are extremely tasty and refreshing and make an excellent treat for your horse, especially during the warmer summer months. Horses are herbivores and eat plant-based diets made up of various fruits and vegetables including watermelon.

Watermelons are some of the most popular fruits in the world among both humans and animals and can make an excellent treat for you horse.

But are watermelons healthy for horses, what are the nutritional values of a watermelon for horses, and can horses eat watermelon seeds and rinds?

We are going to explore all of these questions and more in this article as we dive deeper into the topic of can horses eat watermelon.

Let’s not waste any more time and get into it!

Can Horses Eat Watermelon?


Are watermelons healthy for horses?

The answer to this question is yes, watermelons are healthy for horses to eat.

Horses are able to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, and this includes watermelon.

Watermelons, which are 90% water, are a refreshing treat for your horse while also containing many beneficial vitamins and nutrients.

While it can make an excellent treat for your horse, especially in the warmer summer months, it should not however, be a replacement for a balanced and healthy diet.

Not all horses will like the taste of watermelon, however, and some may only eat certain parts of it.

Experiment with feeding different parts of the watermelon to your horse to see which parts he likes.

If your horse doesn’t like it then you shouldn’t force him to eat it.

There are always other treats out there!


Can horses eat watermelon rind?

The answer to this question is yes, horses can eat watermelon rinds.

While most humans don’t eat the rind due to the bitter taste and hard texture, horses love chomping on it, and it means you can feed them the entire watermelon as a treat.

The main part of the watermelon is 90% water and is healthy for your horse, but the rind is packed with vitamins and minerals and can be very beneficial for your horse as well.

Watermelon rind contains high quantities of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and many other high-quality vitamins and minerals.

When feeding it to your horse, however, it is important to properly wash off the exterior of the watermelon as it can contain high levels of pesticides which can be very harmful for your horse.


Can horses eat watermelon seeds?

Yes, horses are able to eat watermelon seeds and it is perfectly fine if you leave them in when feeding them a whole watermelon.

Ordinarily, horses would not be able to eat the seeds or cores of various fruits and vegetables, but this is not the case with watermelon if consumed in moderation.

While it is ok for your horse to eat a few seeds as part of the watermelon, they should never be fed to them by themselves as this could be toxic for your horse.

It is recommended that you remove the seeds before feeding watermelon to your horse but if you forget them in you shouldn’t have to worry.

As with all treats, moderation is key and you should limit the amount of watermelon, and treats in general, that you give to your horse.


How often can horses eat watermelon?

As stated before, watermelons can be very healthy for horses to eat and are packed with many beneficial vitamins and minerals.

This does not mean, however, that you should feed them to your horse in excess or as a replacement for a regular, nutritious diet.

It is extremely important that your horse has a balanced diet with foods that meet their basic dietary needs.

As a result, you should only be feeding your horses watermelon as a treat and in moderation.

Too much of a good thing can be result in negative outcomes and with watermelon, and any other treat for that matter, moderation is key.


What nutritional value does watermelon have for horses?

Horses are able to eat both the main part of the watermelon, which is made up of 90% water, as well as the rind which contains a large store of vitamins.

Watermelons as a whole contain many vitamins and minerals that can be very beneficial for your horse including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, and magnesium


Vitamin A

Vitamin A can be very beneficial to horses.

It is a fat-soluble vitamin and positively impacts your horse’s vision, as well as improving its immune system and organs such as kidneys and lungs.


Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin and can be very valuable to your horse’s health for a few reasons.

It helps to aid brain health, reduce the risk of heart disease, and helps to improve eyesight and eye health.

Vitamin B6 also helps to break down dietary proteins and helps to create new proteins.

It is, therefore, very good for your horse’s health.



Potassium’s main purpose is the regulation of fluid balance in the body.

It is beneficial to horses as it lowers blood pressure, improves bone density, and helps to protect against the loss of muscle mass.


Vitamin C

Vitamin is a water-soluble vitamin and is found in many fruits and vegetables.

It is very useful to horses for the growth, repair, and development of tissues in the body.

It also aids in the absorption of iron and helps to boost immunity against illness.



Magnesium is an extremely important mineral that is found in the sea, plants, and the earth.

It is involved in hundreds of reactions in the body and works to improve your horse’s energy levels, increase muscle movement, and lower blood pressure.


Fiber and high water content

The high fiber and water content found in watermelons helps to improve your horse’s digestion and immune system.

It also works to reduce constipation.


How should you prepare watermelon for horses?

Giving your horses watermelon should be a simple and easy process.

Simply cut the watermelon into easy to eat slices or chunks and give it to your horse in small portions.

It is critical, however, that you thoroughly and properly wash off the watermelon in order to get rid of any pesticides that may be present.

You can also remove the seeds, but this step is optional as it is safe for your horse to eat watermelon seeds as long as it is in moderation.



In conclusion, yes, horses can eat watermelon.

Watermelons are an excellent treat for horses and are both cheap and easy to get your hands on.

Watermelons are a great food to give your horse as they are delicious and refreshing, especially in the warm summer months, and have a lot of vitamins and nutrients packed into them.

While it is ok to give your horses watermelon as a treat this should be done in moderation and never as a replacement for their normal diet.

Too many treats can be detrimental to the overall health and well-being of your horse, so it is important to be mindful of this.

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