Can Horses Eat Zoysia Grass?

Grass is found everywhere and there’s nothing better than the smell and look of freshly cut grass.

There are many different types of grasses out there, and some are better suited for livestock to graze on while others are better suited to lawns and residential areas.

One type of grass that is extremely popular is zoysia grass and many people consider it if they have livestock.

But are horses able to eat it?

Well, I did some research and am excited to share it with you.

Today we will answer the question “can horses eat zoysia grass?”

The answer to this question is yes, horses are able to eat zoysia grass. Zoysia grass is an excellent grass for lawns but is not very good when it comes to being a pasture for horses and other livestock. Therefore, while it is possible for horses to eat it, there are much better options when it comes to grass for grazing.

Zoysia grass, while not being particularly harmful to your horse, is not the best choice when it comes to pastures and grazing but is not a bad choice if options are limited.

But do horses like zoysia grass, what is the nutritional value of a zoysia grass for horses, and can foals (young horses) eat zoysia grass?

We are going to explore all of these questions and more in this article as we dive deeper into the topic of can horses eat zoysia grass.

Let’s get into it!


Is zoysia grass harmful to horses?

The answer to this question is no, zoysia grass is not harmful to horses but it does, however, produce mildly toxic substances that may irritate your horse if too much of it is consumed.

These toxins are used by the grass to repel pests and is the main way that it protects itself making it resistant to insects.

While zoysia grass doesn’t contain a lot of useful nutrients for horses, it is not harmful to them, and you shouldn’t be too worried if your horse consumes some of it.


Do horses like zoysia grass?

Zoysia grass is species of turf grass that is native to Asia and is a very tough grass that is known for its ability to stand up to harsh and difficult conditions.

It is able to stand up to heat, heavy foot traffic, drought, and many other different conditions.

This toughness makes it excellent grass for lawns but not necessarily good grass when it comes to pastures.

Zoysia grass, as a result of its resilient nature, is not very tender and does not have a pleasant taste for horses.

If you are creating a pasture for your horses you should opt for a different type of grass, such as orchardgrass, reed canarygrass, or Kentucky bluegrass, instead of zoysia grass as this will be more enjoyable for your horse and will provide it with the necessary vitamins and minerals that they require.


What nutritional value does zoysia grass have for horses?

Zoysia grass is not the most nutrient-dense grass available due to its tough and resilient nature.

While it may not be the best option for your horse when it comes to grazing or being a pasture grass, it does still provide some nutrients within it that can be beneficial to your horse if they consume it.

Zoysia, like many other types of grass, contains different levels of potassium, phosphorus, fiber, magnesium, manganese, iron, and zinc.



Potassium’s main purpose is the regulation of fluid balance in the body.

It is beneficial to horses as it lowers blood pressure, improves bone density, and helps to protect against the loss of muscle mass.



Phosphorus is a vital mineral, and it is important to consume foods that contain it.

Phosphorus is important for the filtering of waste and the repairing of cells and tissue.

It is important for the health and strength of your horse’s bones and works to improve energy levels.



The high fiber and water content found in zoysia grass help to improve your horse’s digestion and immune system.

It also works to reduce constipation and improve your horse’s overall digestive health and wellbeing.



Magnesium is an extremely important mineral that is found in the sea, plants, and the earth and is an important micronutrient in grass.

It is involved in hundreds of reactions in the body and works to improve energy levels, increase muscle movement, and lower blood pressure



Manganese is an essential mineral for photosynthesis in grass and, when it comes to horses, is very important for the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

It can, therefore, be very beneficial for your horse to consume.



Zinc is a very important nutrient that is involved in numerous processes throughout the body and is found naturally in various plants including grass.

It is an important micronutrient that is important for the health of the grass and can positively impact your horse as well.

Zinc helps boost your immune function, helps with the healing of wounds, and is important for both the growth and development of your body.

Zinc is, therefore, an essential mineral to include in your horse’s diet.



Similar to manganese, iron plays an important role in photosynthesis of grass, but it is also an essential mineral when it comes to the transport of oxygen in the red blood cells of your horse.

Consuming enough iron will help with fatigue and is very important for the functioning of your horse’s immune system and overall immune health.


Can foals (young horses) eat zoysia grass?

The answer to this question is yes, foals are technically able to eat zoysia grass, but it is not recommended that they do.

As their digestive systems are even less developed than adult horses and they require a lot of nutrients in order to grow, you should avoid feeding your young horses zoysia grass as much as possible.

Young horses should focus instead on consuming their mother’s milk for the first couple weeks before slowly introducing other food sources such as higher quality grass and horse grain.

If you only have zoysia grass available, then you should incorporate different types of feeds and supplements to ensure that your foals are getting the required amount of nutrients.

In conclusion, yes, horses can eat zoysia grass.

Zoysia grass is a very tough and resilient grass which makes it excellent for lawns but not necessarily for pastures.

It doesn’t have the highest nutritional value for horses compared to other grasses, but it can still provide some nutrients to your horse if consumed such as zinc, magnesium, and iron.

Because of its resilient nature, zoysia grass is tender and doesn’t taste great to horses.

You should, therefore, consider using a different type of grass when creating a pasture for your horse or taking your horse to graze.

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