Can Horses Eat Celery? (Answered!)

The answer to this question is yes, horses can eat celery. In, fact, it can be a nutrient-rich, healthy snack for them. Celery can be extremely beneficial for horses as it is packed full of B-vitamins, potassium and fiber. It is also a great low-sugar treat for horses who need to watch their sugar intake.

This article will outline some of the nutritional benefits of celery to horses and how much celery horses can eat.

We will then discuss if horses can eat raw celery, if miniature horses can eat celery, and if celery can harm horses or not.

Let’s not waste any time and get right into answering these questions!

Can Horses Eat Celery?


What are the nutritional benefits of celery for horses?

Celery is commonly used in cooking – with its long, crunchy stalks being the part that is typically consumed.

Celery is a well-known “diet food” because of its low caloric value at only 10 calories per stalk.

But this crunchy vegetable also offers some great health benefits, which might make you consider introducing it to your horse’s diet as a healthy treat.

Let’s take a look at some of the many health benefits of celery below:



One stalk of celery contains at least 12 antioxidants, including Vitamin C, flavonoids, and beta carotene.

These work to protect the cells and blood vessels in the body from damage caused by oxygen passage throughout the body.



Celery has anti-inflammatory properties which work to reduce inflammation in the body.

Celery contains as much as 25 anti-inflammatory compounds which can be used to ease the effects of inflammatory illnesses like arthritis.

The phytonutrients in celery also have the ability to reduce inflammation in blood cells, organs and the gut (digestive tract).


Supports digestion

Celery has a water content of around 95%.

This water content, coupled with the high fiber content, means that it is an excellent vegetable to aid digestion.

Horses can benefit from fiber-rich treats as they have a sensitive digestive system.

It also contains a compound called apiuman that is known to support stomach health in animals through supporting the stomach lining and, in turn, reducing the risk of developing stomach ulcers.

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How much celery can a horse eat?

 So, now that we’ve discussed some of the amazing health benefits of celery, you might be wondering: how much celery can my horse eat?

Horses thrive on a simple diet of hay and grass which they graze on all through the day.

This is because they have extremely sensitive digestive systems so any great changes to their diet can cause digestive problems.

So, the general rule is that, while celery is a great healthy snack for horses, it should be given in moderation.

With this in mind, the recommended amount of celery that can be given to horses at any one time is around 2 pounds.

Horses enjoy and can really benefit from a few bite-size pieces of this crunchy veggie every once in a while.


Can horses eat raw celery?

Yes! Raw celery is a fun, healthy snack for horses.

Often when vegetables are cooked, they can lose some of the nutritional benefits as the cooking process changes the structure of the chemical compounds within the food.

So, celery is perhaps best for horses when fed raw, and always in moderation!


Can horses eat celery leaves?

Horses can eat every part of the celery plant – including the celery leaves.

The celery leaf is not the most commonly consumed part of the plant, but it is safe for horses to eat.

As with the stalks, it is best fed cut up into small pieces and given in moderation.


Can miniature horses eat celery?

Miniature horses have slightly different dietary requirements from full-size horses because they are significantly smaller in size and weight.

As such, you might be wondering if celery is a suitable treat for minis as well.

The answer is yes!

Celery is a low-sugar, low-sodium and low-calorie vegetable which is great for minis.

In fact, there are several studies that suggest that celery – which contains around 10 calories per stalk – might actually burn more calories during the digestive process than it has in it.

 However, celery has an acquired taste, and it has been reported that many miniature horses don’t enjoy the taste of it.

This means that, while it is a great, low-calorie snack option for minis, there is no guarantee they will actually like it!


Can celery harm horses?

As with many things, celery comes with some potential risks.

Firstly, as discussed, celery stalks are particularly chewy and fibrous.

This means that they are a choking hazard for horses.

The best way to avoid this is to cut it up and feed them it in small chunks at a time.

Secondly, horses should not be given too many treats as they have sensitive digestive systems that are easily disrupted.

Too many treats can create discomfort and cause gastro-intestinal problems for horses.

Finally, there is a risk of your horse developing negative behavioural problems if they are given treats too often.

However, celery is generally a great snack option for horses and so long as it is given in moderation, it can enhance a horse’s diet!


In conclusion, horses absolutely can eat celery!

It is a great snack for horses, with many health benefits including antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, and digestive support.

We found that raw celery is preferred, the leaves can be eaten too, and that it is a great low-calorie snack for miniature horses.

As with anything, celery comes with potential risks, including choking, so it is best fed to horses in bitesize chunks and in moderation.

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